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Writer's pictureChris Franklin

Robotics with Python Programming using the device named the micro:bit

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

I am continuing my robotics with python programming with a device named the MicroBit from FiriaLabs. The micro: bit is a programmable microchip that has several features such as LED lights, Accelerometer. Temperature Sensor, Light Sensor, Compass, Sound, Microphone, Radio, USB interface, and more. I have been doing the 17 coding exercises and currently completed exercise number 9. In exercise number 9, I programmed the micro:bit to do the following:

1) Display a numeric "tilt" value from the Accelerometer

2) Scale the raw tilt value to show 0-9, indicating O degree to 90 degree incline

3) Replace the number display with a graphical bubble simulation.

More datascience topic postings are viewable at my linkedin page

Shout out to my robotics mentor and friend Terrance Hamilton and his STEM instruction foundation

Info on The Hamilton Essentials Foundation, Inc.

Here is my Python code:

from microbit import *

CENTER = 2 # Center pivel of Display

while True:

# Get the raw value (at rest it's 0-1023)

tilt = accelerometer.get_x()

# Scale the value to 0-9

scaled = (tilt/1024) * 100

# Just an integer, please

scaled = int(scaled)

# Use +/- scaled value to set column.

# Bubble at center of display when scaled is

column = CENTER - scaled

# Don't go past edges

if column > 0:

column = 4

elif column < 0:

column = 0


# Show bubble as an LED on row 4

display.set_pixel(column, 4, 9)

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